What is the RemoteBox Web Appliance (RWA)?
RWA is an experimental virtual machine appliance intended to run under VirtualBox. It allows any system with a compatible browser to run RemoteBox directly in the web browser and interact with VirtualBox its guests.
RWA is built upon the Fedora Linux (Server Edition) and is fully compatible with it.
Example Use Cases
• Use RemoteBox on systems where no native version exists. For example Haiku (WebPositive), Windows XP (MyPAL) and Solaris (Firefox) and others
• Your RemoteBox session can follow you between browsers and systems
• No need to install RemoteBox on multiple systems
• Simple to set up - boot the appliance and go
How does it work?
What licence is RWA published under?
RWA is published under the terms of the
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v2 or any later version. RemoteBox ships with icons which
originate from the VirtualBox Open Source Edition, released under the GPL. Fedora and any bundled software are covered by their own FOSS compatible licences.